The last game from another copyright owner Zemina spawned on the MSX was Street Fighter. Based on the first game, it also sports a few challengers from Street Fighter II. The five enemies are Joe, Chun Li, "Ninja" (for some reason they dropped Geki's name), Bison (the boxer, in his SFII-attire) and Gen. The player always takes the role of Ken, Ryu isn't available (although the sprite is actually colored like him). In 2-player mode the second player, who fights on the left side in this game, gets to chose between the 5 enemies. Player one is denied that privilege, though.
Street Fighter 1 was soon forgotten after its release because of its atrocious controls. Well, in Street Master, they're even worse. The only moves that can get the player near the AI opponents are the special moves, against which the enemies are helpless. So the only viable and at the same time incredibly cheap strategy is to spam these over and over again. It's nonetheless quite possible to lose that way, as the execution is only recognized spontaneously every once in a while.
The game seems like a stepback compared to some other Zemina games, technically. The graphics don't look so bad, but the black boxed enemies return again. That's why the lower half of the screen is black, anyway, but it becomes visible when they jump. When all opponents are beaten, the game just drops back to the title screen, without showing any credits or even a short message.