The better MSX 2 drawing work, interlacing. A beautiful drawing - see MCM 34, page 51 - with also further explanation on how to create yourself such a beautiful drawing using interlacing.
Also the creator, Walter Meester, uses nice scroll effects. Use and operation of this is also to be found on the disk, in the form of a number of Basic-listings, and in these listings corresponding bits of machine code.
it is possible by means of a small reset-proof piece of Arjen Schrijvers machine language to get text screen 6 in interlace mode on the screen. You can choose between ordinary letters, interlaced letters and lines. These choices are indicated by using the print#1 instruction, followed by a number of stars (*) that will determine the shape of the following information on the screen.
There are a number of additional error messages which are added to MSX-Basic, to an already very complete list of MSX error messages. The whole thing looks - apart from a few spelling mistakes - really very smart and also the speed is anything but slow. Highly recommended, only for MSX-2.