Ported from Lucasfilm Game's Commodore 64 version with various discrepancies.
The package warns it does not run on YIS-805 (128, 256K) though in reality it does on YIS-805 128. The warning might pertain to the inability of the YIS-805's standard SFG-05 sound module to play MSX AUDIO sound .
One of its MSX AUDIO music dump is available as part of an interview on MSX Magazine 1987 12 page 107-108.
Based on Labyrinth the movie. The title screen says Labyrinth and many sources cite so, however the official designation by Lucasfilm Games is Labyrinth: The Computer Game. The package displays "The Computer Game" after Labyrinth. The Japanese designation ラビリンス魔王の迷宮 (eng: Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Demon King) is same as the Japanese title of the movie.
The NES Labyrinth based on the same movie is the completely different game developed when the movie was still WIP.