by MajorTOM | 4 years ago
This is one out of the 3 only Konami´s games (Japan version) with no manual (Time Pilot and Billiards are the other two ones)
by rderooy | 6 years ago
Patch to allow the game to be used without keyboard:
by Honyaku | 1 decade ago
One of those early great Konami games that you keep coming back to. Guide your frogger across the road and river to safe havens on the other side. The concept has been copied many times, but the original is simply the best.
by MajorTOM | 4 years ago
This is one out of the 3 only Konami´s games (Japan version) with no manual (Time Pilot and Billiards are the other two ones)
by rderooy | 6 years ago
Patch to allow the game to be used without keyboard:
by Honyaku | 1 decade ago
One of those early great Konami games that you keep coming back to. Guide your frogger across the road and river to safe havens on the other side.
The concept has been copied many times, but the original is simply the best.