Sound mode
When the Hz logo is shown, press the B, G and M keys to enter sound mode. To listen to the PSG music on an MSX with FM sound, hold P until the Hz log is shown then depress it and hold B, G and M.
Hold P until the Hz log is shown after starting the game to play with the PSG music on an MSX with FM sound.
Alternate endings
For Bad ending :
At last area, destroy (don't capture) enemy boss ship and go ahead.
For Hidden ending:
Clear area 4 and look visual scene.
You can see pink screen at last scene.
Type 'AITAI' +Enter at pink screen!
and clear all area.
1) Press STOP or ESC to pause
2) Press SELECT+F4 to activate the command mode
3) Press one of the keys bellow to activate the respective cheat:
W: Capa Sw ON = Bonus items become capacities, and capacity increases as you take
X: Extra Sw ON = Press backspace during the game to activate the talk mode, where "Susuku will assist you through the game"
Y: Super Sw ON = Change the ship type with the key 1 (only works near a pit stop)
Z: POWUP Sw ON = Press 1 or 2 to change the upper and lower option type respectivelly (only works near a pit stop)
V: Unknown (must be pressed under some condition)