Title / Original game
1. Robotronix
2. Space-end / Exterminator
3. Time machine / Time Pilot
4. Salvatore / Punchy
5. Galactica
6. Gufi / Obake
7. Giochiamo sulla neve / The Snowman
8. Tavola / Break Out (ASCII)
9. Il Grillo / Anty
10. Acrobat / Actman
11. Secret mission / Midnight Building
12. Mare mare / Flipper Slipper
13. Reversi
14. Salvate il re / Hunchback
15. Amleto / Tetra Horror
16. Africa / Congo Bongo
17. Mare Inquinato / Poppaq the Fish
18. Mosthi / 3D Bomberman
19. Pino il cuoco / Captain Chef
20. Allarme notturno
21. pompiere intrepido / Fire Rescue
22. Battaglia / River Raid
23. Bombetten / Dinamitero
24. Football / 10 Yard Fight
25. Bomba non bomba / Bomber Man Special
26. Jumbo scorta armata / Ultra-man
27. Il ladro / Blagger
28. Scarpone / Nick Neaker
29. Doctor creator 1
30. Doctor creator 2
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Compilation exists out of the following 24 software titles