"This is the Madou Monogatari Data disk" warning upon booting the Data Disk (save disk / disk 5)
Disk 4 menu. Select the 2nd menu then insert a blank disk to make the Data Disk to save.
trailer from Disc Station #13
Madou Monogatari 1 gameplay 1/3
Madou Monogatari 1 gameplay 2/3
Madou Monogatari 1 gameplay 3/3
Madou Monogatari 1 digest
Madou Monogatari 2 digest
Madou Monogatari 3 digest
Playthrough ep 1-1/2 (total 1/ 7)
Playthrough ep 1-2/2 (total 2/7)
Playthrough ep 2-1/2 (total 3/7)
Playthrough ep 2-2/2 (total 4/7)
Playthrough ep 3-1/3 (total 5/7)
Playthrough ep 3-2/3 (total 6/7)
Playthrough ep 3-3/3 (total 7/7)