Title translation: - The world is drawing to an W/end - turbo R only version
Also called: 終末の過ごし方 for MSX セカンド・リリース (The world is drawing to an W/end for MSX: second release)
turbo R only. Plays FM sound.
終末の過ごし方 ~The world is drawing to an W/end~ MSXturboR専用版
Title translation: - The world is drawing to an W/end - turbo R only version
Also called: 終末の過ごし方 for MSX セカンド・リリース (The world is drawing to an W/end for MSX: second release)
turbo R only. Plays FM sound. Is an Windows emulator but can be copied to floppy diskettes and run on real MSX.
The Windows and Pocket PC 2002 versions of The world is drawing to an W/end are bundled.
終末の過ごし方 デモ版 (The world is drawing to an W/end demo version)
Included in the CD-ROM bundled with MSXマガジン永久保存版2 (MSX Magazine Revival 2). Is part of the Windows emulator but can be copied to a floppy disk and played on real MSX.