
Eiji Kikuchi

aka: E. Kikuchi, 菊池 栄二

Game Credits (6)

The Fantasm Soldier Valis (1986, MSX by Telenet Japan) Special thanks
Andorogynus (1987, MSX 2 by Telenet Japan) Special Thanks (E. Kikuchi)
XZR: Idols of Apostate (1988, MSX 2 by Reno) Graphic Design
XZR II: Final Chapter (1988, MSX 2 by Reno) Graphic Design (菊池 栄二)
Sa-Zi-Ri (1988, MSX 2 by Reno) People involved in this project (菊池 栄二)
The Fantasm Soldier Valis 2 (1989, MSX 2 by Reno) Background Graphics (背景グラフィック) (菊池 栄二)