After their first few releases, Zemina seemingly became bold enough to use the games' official names for their unlicensed ports. Double Dragon is one of their technically weaker early programs. The enemies all have a neat black box around their heads and move about as smoth as the digits on a digital watch. The game has only three types of foes, a bright skinned guy, a dark skinned guy and green Abobo. There's not even a proper final boss, just another Abobo who takes hundreds of hits. The moveset is converted properly, though some maneuvers like throwing are a bit tricky. Very rarely do enemies drop a throwing knife, which is the only available weapon. Everything wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the extremely annoying AI for enemies, who always sneak around areas the player can't reach.
Interestingly enough, this game was not created by Zemina's former staff, but it seems they now hired Lee Kyuhwan (art design) and Lee Sanghun (programming), who had before made their first experiences with Legendly Knight and should lead the Kingdom Under Fire series to fame more than 15 years later.
The artwork for the box was stolen from Jaleco's Famicom Disk System fighting game Fuun Shaolin Ken.