Title | Product type |
AC-C41 Power supply for the PRN-C41 |
Power Supply |
AC-HB1 Japanese 100V Power supply for Sony HB-10 |
Power Supply |
AC-HB1B British 240V power supply for Sony HB-10B. |
Power Supply |
AC-HB1D European 220V power supply for Sony HB-10D. Should be the same as the AC-HB1P power supply? |
Power Supply |
AC-HB1P European 220V power supply for Sony HB-10P and HB-20P |
Power Supply |
AC-HB2P Seems it was included with the Sony HB-20P MSX Computer. Has the same output specifications as the AC-HB1P. Main difference seems to be that this one uses a europlug and therefore has no ground pin. |
Power Supply |
AC-HB3 Power supply for the Sony HB-F1 and HB-F1II Japanese MSX computers. Input: 100V ~ 50/60Hz 23VA Output: DC9V 12A AC18V ~ 170mA |
Power Supply |
CPD-14CD1 Colour monitor. 79800 yen |
Monitor |
CPS-14F1 14 inch analogue RGB monitor. 64,800 Yen. |
Monitor |
CPV-14CD2 89,800 Yen |
Monitor |
DN-602 12 inch monochrome monitor |
Monitor |
GB-5 Trackball 9800 Yen, release date in Japan: 21-11-1985 Follow-on to the GB-7. |
Trackbal |
GB-6 Trackball |
Trackbal |
GB-7 Trackball Sold stand-alone, or with Eddy II (aka Creative Graphics) |
Trackbal |
HB-10 Japanese MSX1 computer, 16kB RAM (black, red or beige). Included the game Lode Runner on cartridge |
MSX 1 |
HB-101 Japanese MSX1 computer, 16kB RAM. Slots:2 Output: composite, RF Printer: Centronics Japanese Power: 100V26W External dimensions: 380 × 65 × 275 Color: black, red, ivory Price: 46,800 yen |
MSX 1 |
HB-101P European MSX1 computer |
MSX 1 |
HB-10B British MSX1 with QWERTY keyboard |
MSX 1 |
HB-10D German MSX1 with QWERTZ keyboard |
MSX 1 |
HB-10P European PAL MSX1 with either an International or Spanish keyboard (with ñ key.). |
MSX 1 |
HB-11 Japanese MSX1 in Red or Blue. Targeted at students. Firmware (dictionary Japanese-English, wordprocessor) and Kanji JIS1 support. |
MSX 1 |
HB-201 Japanese MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, built in joystick, hardware pause key |
MSX 1 |
HB-201P European MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, built in joystick, hardware pause key (same as HB-501 but without tape recorder) |
MSX 1 |
HB-20P Spanish MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM (Spanish keyboard) |
MSX 1 |
HB-501F French MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, built in tape recorder ('BitCorder' or 'Data-Corder'), hardware pause key, 'joystick'. French AZERTY keyboard, SCART RGB output |
MSX 1 |
HB-501P European (PAL) MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, built in tape recorder ('BitCorder'), hardware pause key, 'joystick'. Qwerty keyboard |
MSX 1 |
HB-55 Japanese MSX1 computer, 16kB RAM. With a grey or red casing. |
MSX 1 |
HB-55P European MSX computer. QWERTY keyboard, PAL video |
MSX 1 |
HB-701 Japanese MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, hardware pause key, separate keyboard. |
MSX 1 |
HB-701FD Japanese MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, floppy disk drive, separate keyboard. Included a diskette with Hit Bit アート (Hit Bit Art). Slot: 2 Output: omposite, RF, analog RGB Printer: Centronics Japanese Power / 100V36W External dimensions: 355 × 76 × 325 (body), 355 × 30 × 155 (keyboard) Weight: 7.3kg Color: beige (body), black (panel) Price: 148,000 yen |
MSX 1 |
HB-75 Japanese MSX1 computer, 64kB RAM, built in program: Personal Databank (schedule/memo/address). Available in two colours, black and white. Slots: 1 Output: composite, RF Printer: Centronics Power: 100V20W External dimensions: 405 × 67 × 245 Weight: 2.8kg Color: black / ivory Price: 69,800 yen |
MSX 1 |
HB-750 Japanese MSX2 computer, 256KB RAM, 128KB VRAM, built in CD-ROM player (never released) |
MSX 2 |
HB-75AS Australian MSX1, based on the HB-75 with QWERTY keyboard with £ key |
MSX 1 |
HB-75B British MSX1 with QWERTY keyboard with £ key |
MSX 1 |
HB-75D German MSX1 with QWERTZ keyboard |
MSX 1 |
HB-75F French MSX1 with AZERTY keyboard |
MSX 1 |
HB-75P European PAL MSX1 with QWERTY keyboard and £ symbol on keyboard. |
MSX 1 |
HB-F1 Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, Speed Controller, Pause key Available in all-black or in black with a red accent Developer credits are displayed by holding P and Y upon startup. |
MSX 2 |
HB-F10J black version of HB-F9 with 256kB RAM Did this actually exist? |
Unknown |
HB-F1II Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, Pause-key, Speed Controller, Ren-Sha Turbo (autofire) |
MSX 2 |
HB-F1XD Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, speed controller, Ren-Sha Turbo (autofire) (same as HB-F1 with 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive) |
MSX 2 |
HB-F1XDJ Japanese MSX2+ computer, 64kB RAM, 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, MSX Music, MSX-JE, 256kB JIS-1 and JIS-2 ROM, speed controller, Ren-Sha Turbo (autofire), hardware pause key Bundle software: Game Programming Tool |
MSX 2+ |
HB-F1XDmk2 Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, speed controller, Ren-Sha Turbo (autofire), hardware pause key |
MSX 2 |
HB-F1XV Japanese MSX2+ computer, 64kB RAM, 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, MSX Music, MSX-JE, 256kB JIS-1 and JIS-2 ROM, speed controller, Ren-Sha Turbo (autofire), hardware pause key[10] Bundle software: Creative Tool I / II / III |
MSX 2+ |
HB-F5 Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM. Only released in Japan, very similar in appearance to the European HB-F9 |
MSX 2 |
HB-F500 Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, 1 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, separate keyboard (white/grey color) |
MSX 2 |
HB-F500D German MSX2 with QWERTZ keyboard. *did this model actually exist?* |
MSX 2 |
HB-F500F French MSX2 computer with AZERTY keyboard and SECAM |
MSX 2 |
HB-F500P European MSX2 computer with QWERTY keyboard |
MSX 2 |
HB-F700D German MSX2 with QWERTZ keyboard |
MSX 2 |
HB-F700F French MSX2 with AZERTY keyboard |
MSX 2 |
HB-F700P European (PAL) MSX2 computer, 256kB RAM, 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, separate keyboard (white/grey color) (same as HB-F500 with more RAM) Four variations exist, depending on the target country; - HB-F700P QWERTY English PAL 220V 50Hz - HB-F700D QWERTZ German PAL 220V 50Hz - HB-F700F AZERTY French SECAM 220V 50Hz - HB-F700S QWERTY Spanish PAL 220V 50Hz |
MSX 2 |
HB-F700S Spanish MSX2, QWERTY keyboard with ñ key |
MSX 2 |
HB-F750 Japanese MSX2 prototype with integrated CD-ROM. Never made it to market. |
MSX 2 |
HB-F900 Japanese MSX2 computer, 256kB RAM, two 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drives, separate keyboard, Super impose, built in speaker, available in black (B) and white (W). Was only officially available in Japan with a Japanese keyboard. Europe instead got the HB-G900. Typically used in combination with the HBI-900 AV Creator needed to digitise images and create video effects. |
MSX 2 |
HB-F9P European MSX2 computer, QWERTY keyboard, PAL video output, 128kB RAM, no disk drive but built-in software (memovision) |
MSX 2 |
HB-F9S Spanish MSX2 computer |
MSX 2 |
HB-FX50 MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, MSX Music(?) (probably never released) |
MSX 2 |
HB-G900 European MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM (no mapper), RS-232C (for MODEM or to connect LASER DISC PLAYER). It has a ROM with CALL commands for controlling the LDP). It can not digitize pictures unless it is used together with videotizer unit (HBI-G900). The HB-G900 is similar to the HB-F900, but targeted to the European market. Three variations exist, depending on the target country; - HB-G900P QWERTY English PAL 220V 50Hz - HB-G900D QWERTZ German PAL 220V 50Hz - HB-G900F AZERTY French SECAM 220V 50Hz |
MSX 2 |
HB-G900AP European MSX2 computer, 512kB RAM, successor to the HB-G900, but this model does have the MSX Engine and more (mapped) RAM. Can be easily expanded to 1024kB by adding chips in the sockets[10] This model was sold in various European countries with localised keyboard layouts (QWERTY, AZERTY or QWERTZ). Unlike other Sony MSX computers the last letter does not signify the target market. |
MSX 2 |
HB-G900D German version of the Sony HB-G900P |
MSX 2 |
HB-G900F French version of the HB-G900P |
MSX 2 |
HB-P100 Sony Hit Bit PASO-COMPO Set for 74,800 Yen with the following components: - Sony HB-101 (black) - Sony SDC-500 Data recorder - Sony JS-55 Joystick - Game ABC Game programming - Seiko's MSX Introduction (聖子のMSX入門編) |
Other |
HB-P200 Sony Hit Bit PASO-COMPO set for ¥118,000 which included: - Sony HB-101 (black) - Sony SDC-500 Data recorder - Sony PRN-C41 4 color plotter - Plotter software - Box of paper cards - Introduction to MSX Print Art (MSXプリント・アート入門) |
Other |
HB-T600 Japanese MSX2 computer, 128kB RAM, JIS 1, 1 720kB floppy diskdrive, built in modem (300/1200 baud) stocks terminal unit (Communication terminal) |
MSX 2 |
HB-T7 Japanese MSX2 computer, 64kB RAM, built in modem 300/1200 bps (Communication terminal) |
MSX 2 |
HBD-100 Second internal disk drive for the HB-701FD. 49,800 Yen. |
3.5" disk drive |
HBD-20W 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive |
3.5" disk drive |
HBD-30W 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive, to be used with the HBK-30 interface adapter, or as a second drive for the Sony HB-F500 or HB-F700 computers. |
3.5" disk drive |
HBD-50 360kB 3.5" floppy disk drive price: 89,800 yen |
3.5" disk drive |
HBD-F1 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive with interface (WD2793 disk controller). 36,800 Yen. |
Disk drive interface |
HBD-G900 B-drive for HB-G900P |
3.5" disk drive |
HBI-1200 modem cartridge MSX通信カートリッジ MSX Communication Cartridge 32,800 Yen |
Modem |
HBI-232 RS-232C interface |
RS-232 Interface |
HBI-300 Communication Cartridge 通信カートリッジ |
Modem |
HBI-50 2 slot expander Price: 16,800 yen |
Slot expander |
HBI-55 4kB S-RAM data cartridge (Can be used as SRAMdisk to to save/load/run a BASIC program), backup battery. |
HBI-F900 AV Creator (Video/Soundmixer and digitizer), supplied with Sony Easy Telopper I. For use with the Sony HB-F900. |
Other Video |
HBI-G900P Videotizer for HB-G900 series (Video Image Interface) |
Other Video |
HBI-V1 Video Digitizer cartridge (MSX2+ (screen 10, 11 and 12) and MSX2 Screen 8)) Price: 29.800 yen |
Other Video |
HBJ-A047P A4 thermal paper Price: 500 yen |
Printer accessory |
HBJ-A048P Thermal paper roll Price; 980 yen |
Printer accessory |
HBK-0821 Scart cable |
Video cable |
HBK-0821CE RGB cable |
Video cable |
HBK-0821II Product name: RGBマルチケーブル / RGB Multi Cable Type: DIN-8 to RGB21 Length: 3 meters Price: 3000 yen w/o consumption tax The fact the price mentions the consumption tax indicates the release does not predate 1989 when the tax was introduced. |
Video cable |
HBK-100 MSX printer cable. 5000 Yen. |
Printer Cable |
HBK-2125CE 25 pin RGB - Scart cable |
Video cable |
HBK-30 720kB 3.5" floppy disk drive interface for HBD-30W. ¥20,000 |
Disk drive interface |
HBK-35 floppy disk drive cable interface |
Other Cable |
HBK-50 Cassette interface cable |
Data Recorder Cable |
HBM-16 16kB RAM extension Only useful to expand a 16kB MSX to 32KB. |
RAM Expansion |
HBM-512 512kB Memory Mapper expansion, (only compatible with native Sony computers due to use of slow RAM chips) |
RAM Expansion |
HBM-64 64kB RAM extension for MSX computers with less then 64kB. |
RAM Expansion |
HBP-F1 MSX Thermal Kanji printer. 44,800 Yen HBP-F1WP set bundled with ASCII MSX Write II was announced to be released at 69800 yen but was declared canceled on MSX FAN 1989-07 Page 115. |
Plotter/Printer |
HBP-F1C MSX Thermal Color Kanji printer. 49,800 Yen. |
Plotter/Printer |
HBP-R1(B) Black print cartridge for the HBP-F1 |
Printer accessory |
HBP-R1C Colour print cartridge for the HBP-F1C |
Printer accessory |
IF-180 Interface box for RS-232C <-> LDP-180 |
Other |
JS-303T MSX joypad |
Joystick/pad |
JS-33 MSX joypad, available in black, white and red. |
Joystick/pad |
JS-55 MSX joystick |
Joystick/pad |
JS-70 MSX joystick controller |
Joystick/pad |
JS-75 Wireless Joystick, including JS-C75 receiver. 16800 Yen |
Joystick/pad |
JS-C75 Wireless Joystick Commander (base station) for JS-75 set |
Joystick/pad |
JSS-11 Joy Turbo. Autofire for Joysticks or Joypads. Needs to be placed in between the MSX and Joystick or Joypad. |
Other |
KBD-12D German keyboard for HB-F700D & HB-F500D |
Keyboard |
KBD-12P keyboard for F700P and G900P |
Keyboard |
KBD-13 |
Keyboard |
KBD-13(B) keyboard for HB-F900 (B=Black) |
Keyboard |
KBD-1P keyboard for Sony HB-F500P |
Keyboard |
KV-1430 Color variations exist. Known model numbers: KV-1430E, KV-1430R. Service manual: https://manualmachine.com/sony/kv1440/5857643-service-manual/ |
Monitor |
KV-14CP2 89,800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-14D2 Marketed for use with the HB-55. 57800 Yen. Available in Silver and Red matching the colours of the HB-55, and Green. Launched early 1983 |
Television |
KV-14DR2 Japanese monitor. 67,800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-14G1 Black Trinitron monitor available in 3 colours. Beige, Red and pastel green. 54800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-14G11 Black trinitron monitor. 59800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-14G2 TV (14") |
Television |
KV-14G3 50.000 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-14GR1 Monitor. 64800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-16D1 Japanese TV/Monitor. 89,800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-18DR1 Japanese TV/Monitor. 115,800 Yen |
Monitor |
KV-25FX1 Speakers at the sides are optional. |
Monitor |
KV-M14D KV-M14D TV (14", CVBS input, remote control) |
Television |
KV-P14D KV-P14D TV (14", CVBS input, no remote control) |
Television |
KX-14CP1 14" color monitor. 99,800 Yen |
Monitor |
KX-14HDI Fine Black trinitron RGB |
Monitor |
LDP-1500P Laser Disc Player (successor of LDP-180P). Is it the same as LDP-1550P and LDP-1450P? And then there's also the LDP-2000P... Info is welcome. |
LaserDisc |
LDP-180P Laser Disc Player. Can be connected to using the IF-180 RS-232C interface box |
LaserDisc |
LSC-1100 Japanese MSX2 Educational terminal. Mentioned in MSX Magazine 1987-04 page 100-101. Not much is known about the systems. At least one classroom was setup with them. |
MSX 2 |
Magic Key Joystick port dongle that powers up games. Its plastic bag says HBS-G053C Gall Force: Defense of Chaos only though it works with other games. It can be hand modified to a special version that works differently. |
Joystick/pad |
MFD-1 Single sided 3.5" disk 1350 yen |
Media |
MFD-2 Double sided 3.5" disk 1750 yen |
Media |
MOS-1 MSX mouse |
Mouse |
MOS-2 |
Mouse |
NIU-100EP UMATIC video recorder controler for HB-G900 |
Other Video |
OM-D3440 10x 3.5" 1DD media. 13,500 Yen |
Media |
PRK-C41 Plotter pen, small |
Plotter/Printer |
PRK-C42 Plotter pen, big |
Plotter/Printer |
PRK-M09 Ink ribbon for the PRN-M24 printer |
Printer accessory |
PRK-T10 Set of 3 ribbon print cartridges |
Printer accessory |
PRN-120 MSX printer |
Plotter/Printer |
PRN-C41 MSX color plotter (4 color pens). 748DM 54800 Yen Marketed in Japan for use with MSX or SMC-777 |
Plotter/Printer |
PRN-F09 Tractor feed for the PRN-M24 printer |
Printer accessory |
PRN-F24 Paper roll holder for PRN-T24. 4000 Yen |
Printer accessory |
PRN-K24 Kanji ROM board for PRN-T24. 20.000 Yen |
Kanji ROM |
PRN-K41 Kanji ROM option for the PRN-C41. 9,800 Yen. |
Kanji ROM |
PRN-M09 MSX dot matrix printer |
Plotter/Printer |
PRN-M120 Maybe same as PRN-120 Bidirectional matrix printer which is available in two colors, black/white, and prints 120 characters per second. |
Plotter/Printer |
PRN-M24 MSX Dot Matrix Kanji Printer - 24 pin Seems very similar to the Brother M-1024X 99800 Yen. |
Plotter/Printer |
PRN-M24 Type II MSX Dot matrix kanji printer 24 dot Impact printer |
Plotter/Printer |
PRN-T24 MSX thermal 24 dot printer (AC or battery powered) |
Plotter/Printer |
SDC-500 Data-Corder / Bit-Corder Price: ¥12,800 |
Data Recorder |
SDC-600 |
Data Recorder |
SDC-600S Data recorder |
Data Recorder |
SMK-720 MSX compatible Printer cable sold in Japan |
Printer accessory |
SOM-10 10 minute Personal Computer Cassette 270 yen |
Media |
SOM-15 15 minute Personal Computer Cassette 300 Yen |
Media |
SPC-14 Monitor |
Monitor |
TCM-2 This is unlikely to be designed as computer data recorder since it has a microphone and lacks the remote control jack. |
Data Recorder |
TCM-3000D Data-Corder. 14,800 Yen. |
Data Recorder |
TCM-818 Tape-Corder |
Data Recorder |
TCM-828 Cassette-Corder |
Data Recorder |
UP-10K Video Graphic Printer |
Plotter/Printer |
VMC-366 audio/video cable (one connector) |
Video cable |
VMC-720M |
Video cable |
WS2793-02 Disk interface for HBD-50 |
Disk drive interface |
XV-J550 Japanese MSX2 based video titler. NOT a normal MSX computer! |
MSX 2 |
XV-J555 Japanese MSX2 based video titler. NOT a normal MSX computer! |
MSX 2 |